Client of the Month June 15

COM June 2015 Avi Sharma has come a long way in his pursuit for personal development. When Avi came to us he had some difficulty with squatting as a result of extremely tight ankles and hips. Now he has a 90kg overhead squat, 80kg squat clean. These numbers are increasing weekly with his persistence and [...]

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Client of the Month May 15

Sonia B  COM May 15 Sonia has been with us for sometime now. In this time she has proven her passion for development in skill and fitness and it is moving better than ever. Her strength and fitness are making great progress, although it is only a short time back from having her 3rd Child. [...]

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Client of the Month April 15

Lewis Hunter COM April 15 Lewis came to us about a ago wanting to improve his general physical Fitness. In Lewis's time at CFX he has shown great enthusiasm to our class and personal development. Lewis has a shown that he can conduct Olympic lift well and his numbers are slowly improving. His energetic personality [...]

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